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VIDEO: Passenger Assaults American Airlines Flight Attendant
A Friday afternoon flight turned violent after a passenger assaulted an American Airlines flight attendant shortly after takeoff. The passenger was restrained and arrested upon the aircraft's arrival in Los Angeles. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Twenty years should send a strong message.
Let’s hold the politics folks, this is about aviation safety.
I hope he has a long time in prison to think about this and is permanently banned from flying on any airline.
He should be imprisoned, fined, and banned from all future air travel. And yet the strange irony is that if you brutally assault someone on the street or subway as we've seen in recent times, you either won't get arrested, or if you do, you're back out on the street the same day. The audacity of committing violence upon upon a flight attendant, or a random person on the street is the consequence of accepting no consequences for criminal acts committed in our society.
The aircraft should have descended to 10,000 feet and that scum bag should have been thrown out of the plane and let him be the first to land from that flight. He's of no use to anyone other than compost.
Start old sparky