Pilot Country Airport (Brooksville, FL) X05 備考
A81-APT | Activate lirl runway 18/36 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L fuel 24 hr credit card service available. |
A57-36 | Runway 36 approach ratio 22:1 to the displaced threshold. |
A55-36 | Fuel tank 110 ft E of runway 36 centerline first 150 ft. |
A14 | Ltr of mgmt designation smtd. |
A110-3 | For clearance contact tampa approach at 813-878-2528. |
A110-2 | 18 ft fuel tank 90 ft from end of runway 105 ft R of centerline. |
A110-1 | Birds in vicinity of runway. |