Mount Olive Muni Airport (Mount Olive, NC) W40 備考
A81-APT | After ss activate and incr intensity MIRL runway 05/23 - CTAF. Activate PAPI runway 05 and 23 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L for avgas and jet A - 24 hr self service with credit card. |
A57-23 | Approach slope 20:1 to displaced threshold. |
A17 | Unatndd on major hols. For service after hours please call 252-234-7778 or 252-289-7778. |
A110-7 | For clearance contact washington artcc at 703-771-3587. |
A110-6 | For collision avoidance contact seymour afb 119.7. |
A110-5 | -5 ft drainage ditch 100 ft left of centerline of runway 05. |
A110-3 | LOW-LEVEL military act near airport. |
A110-2 | Runway 05 +200 ft am radio tower approx 6000 ft southwest of runway end on centerline. |