E80 | Us customs user fee airport. |
E147 | Traffic pattern altitude for light aircraft 965 ft AGL; traffic pattern altitude for hi per aircraft 1365 ft AGL. |
A57-07L | Runway 07L approach slp 50:1 to displaced threshold. |
A43-25R | PAPI unusable beyond 5 deg left and right of centerline. |
A33-07R/25L | Outer edges of pavement uneven. |
A31-07L/25R | First 2300 ft runway 7L concrete on 50 ft wide keel section. |
A30-07R/25L | Scheduled air carrier operations more than 9 pax seats or unsked air carrier at least 31 pax seats na. |
A110-8 | Taxiway "N" N of runway 7L-25R can be mistaken for the runway and approach environment. |
A110-4 | Taxiway E restricted to 22000 lbs max crtfyd gross takeoff weight; taxiway P restricted to 190500 lbs max crtfyd gross takeoff weight. |
A110-30 | Runway 07L LEAD-OFF lines for taxiway P3 and taxiway P4 for group I aircraft only with wingspan of less than 49 ft. |
A110-29 | Prior permission required for daytona beach speedway low approach or FLY-OVER. Contact air traffic control for pmsn. |
A110-28 | Hvy bird activity over landfill located 3.5NM southwest of the airfield. |
A110-27 | Incrd drone act northeast of airport. |
A110-26 | All helo operations expc taxiway W between taxiway A and runway 16 approach end closed to rotary wing aircraft with rotar span more than 50 ft except 1 hr. Prior permission required (386) 527-0657. |
A110-25 | All military operations req 24 hr. Advnd cdn with airport operations - prior permission required (386) 527-0657. |
A110-24 | Taxiway W between taxiway A and runway 16 approach end closed to rotary wing with rotar span more than 50 ft except 1 hr prior permission required - 386-527-0657. |
A110-23 | Taxiway W between runway 16 approach end and taxiway A closed to military helicopter and hover taxi operations. |
A110-22 | Taxiway C1 closed to aircraft wingspan more than 119 ft; taxiway W closed to aircraft wingspan more than 119 ft; taxiway W3 closed to aircraft wingspan more than 79 ft. |
A110-2 | E end of taxiway S is non-movement area. |
A110-19 | Us custs ramp restricted group II aircraft of wingspan 79 ft or less. |
A110-17 | Rotor wing helicopter must grnd taxi; if unabl use ctn during hover taxi. |
A110-12 | Airfield surface conds are not mntd between the hours of 0000-0400. |
A110-11 | Use co fly quiet proc or rcmd noise abatement proc - airport manager. |
A110-10 | Aircraft oprg runway 07L use ctn, taxiway P3 and P4 have no signs no mrkgs. |
A110-1 | Hvy migratory bird act on and in vicinity of airport. |