Grand Marais/Cook County Airport (Grand Marais, MN) CKC 備考
A81-APT | Activate or incr intensity REIL runway 10 and 28; PAPI runway 10 and 28; MIRL runway 10/28 - CTAF. MIRL runway 10/28 preset low intensity. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L for service after hours please call 218-387-2012. |
A58-10 | 4 ft brush, 95 ft dist, 218 ft R. |
A30A-28 | Calm wind runway. |
A110-3 | For clearance if una to contact on flight service station frequency, contact minneapolis artcc at 651-463-5588. |
A110-1 | Cust available may 15-OCT 15. |