Wakefield Muni Airport (Wakefield, VA) AKQ 備考
A70-FUEL-100L | L 24 hr self service fuel |
A58-20 | Road +15 ft 70 ft from runway end. |
A58-02 | Road +15' 70' from threshold crossing end. |
A57-20 | Clearance slp to displaced threshold 22:1. |
A57-02 | Ctlng obstn exceeds A 45 deg slp, clearance slp to displaced threshold 8:1. |
A42-20 | Runway 20 mrkgs cvrd with algae. |
A42-02 | Runway 2 mrkgs cvrd with algae. |
A110-2 | For clearance contact norfolk approach at 757-464-0757. |