Addison Airport (Dallas, TX) ADS 備考
E80 | Us customs user fee airport. |
E60-16 | EMAS non-standard arresting gear/sytem: engineered materials arresting system (EMAS) 387 ft in length by 100 ft width located 35 ft setback from der 16. |
E147 | Traffic pattern altitude: 956 ft AGL light aircraft, 1356 ft AGL large aircraft. |
A81-APT | Activate MALSR runway 16; HIRL runway 16/34 - CTAF. |
A58-34 | 10 ft airport perimeter road, 0-200 ft distance, 320 ft L to 460 ft R. |
A58-16 | 10 ft airport perimeter road, 0-200 ft distance, 275 ft R, 488 ft L |
A57-34 | Approach slope 17:1 to displaced threshold ovr 28 ft pole, 490 ft distance, 536 ft L. |
A57-16 | Approach slope 10:1 to displaced threshold ovr 40 ft tree, 430 ft distance, 475 ft L. |
A52-34 | Antenna on top of building. |
A110-9 | Noise sensitive areas surround airport. Pilots requested to use nbaa standard noise abatement procedures. |
A110-8 | Be alert: runway hldg ptn mrkgs located at the west edge of taxiway A. |
A110-6 | Birds on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-3 | User fee airport. Cpb ofc hours M-F 1000-2100. 214-208-3636. |
A110-2 | No tgl without airport manager approval. |
A110-10 | AWOS-3 info only available when air traffic control tower closed. ATIS available during tower hours. |
A110-1 | Numerous 200 ft bldgs within 1 mile east and south of airport; transmission towers and water tanks west of airport. |