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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (CGNR2010) - This Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak (Alaska) based HC-130H Super Hercules, CGNR2010, retrofitted with the Minotaur Mission System Suite which enables long range surveillance, is snapped here as it taxied south on Charlie Taxiway to get to Runway 34R where it took off enroute back to its home base (CGAS Kodiak).
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (CGNR2010)


This Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak (Alaska) based HC-130H Super Hercules, CGNR2010, retrofitted with the Minotaur Mission System Suite which enables long range surveillance, is snapped here as it taxied south on Charlie Taxiway to get to Runway 34R where it took off enroute back to its home base (CGAS Kodiak).


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Prior to being assigned to CGAS Kodiak in 2019, this Super Hercules was based at CGAS Elizabeth City.
Dave Sheehy
Merry Christmas Gary! Nice pic, 5 *
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
TYVM, Dave. I think I could probably have "coin flipped' a quarter on to the top of the wing; I was so close. Well, OK, maybe it was just a bit too far away. lol

And a Merry Christmas back to you. Hope you and your family are enjoying this day. It's been a hellu_a year but 2021 is a "new start" (hopefully).
That's a really nice shot, Gary!
Mark Harris
Thanks for the description. It makes it so much more meaningful when you know what's going on in the picture.
Diana Rose
Stellar Shot!
There is just something sexy about Sky Pigs, no matter what the paint job. Great pic.
Kerry Ahearn
Semper paratus.
more coast guard pictures!
Bob Brines
That's not a -J. It's an -H. Look at the props.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
@ Bob Brines ... Thank you. The error has been corrected.
Greg, Diana, & WhiteKnight77 ... Thanks for the complis. Very much appreciated.
Mark ... You are welcome. I had recently noticed that most contributors don't post squat for info, and I had decided to follow their lead. But after seeing your comment here, I've decided that stepping down to lazy just isn't my style, and knowing you and a few others appreciate the 60 to 90 extra seconds it takes to add a bit of info makes it well worth doing. Thanks.
Kerry ... TY for your service.
Mr. James ... I've got one more good one of this that I will send to you if you want it. Just e/m me at [email protected]
Great perspective shot.
Tom Vance
60 to 90 seconds,,,,!!!! x5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL great torching! luv it.
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