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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (16-4646) - A NAWDC F/A-18C Hornet, piloted by RAdm Dan "Undra" Cheever, Commander of NAWDC at NAS Fallon (KNFL), is lined up and ready to launch from runway 31L for an afternoon flight time mission.
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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (16-4646)


A NAWDC F/A-18C Hornet, piloted by RAdm Dan "Undra" Cheever, Commander of NAWDC at NAS Fallon (KNFL), is lined up and ready to launch from runway 31L for an afternoon flight time mission.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
NAWDC CO Cheever is certainly NOT an "Undr a" Cheever -- he is a Rear Admiral in the Navy. IMHO, he is most definitely an "achiever." He needs to change his nickname.
Larry Toler
I caught the name as well and had a pretty good laugh. Maybe it was one of those names given to him in his early days and it stuck with him. To make it to where he is and the outfit he's flying for he is definitely not an "Undra" Cheever. It's all fun and games while we vets make fun of each other but let a civilian get in the way it may not be as funny.
Tom Vance
'Undra" Cheever.....LOL>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Gman for posting the nickname. Great shot 5x calendar shot!
Tom Vance
Gman, LT.......agreed! It has stuck w.him......I have been to a change of Command for the "Grinch" years ago......at Lemoore NAS.....it was an awesome event. The Commander was nicknamed the "Grinch" as when on deployment to Hawaii was on in the early 1990s, he made the entire flight team suit up and fly on Christmas Eve or Christmas day.............hence the "Grinch"....I have photos but unsure on posting this format as Lt. is in the photos.
I read someplace years ago that senior officers above colonel level and equivalent at all services never fly fighter jets and the explanation was that as years go sharp reflexes seem to decay not allowing for a top flying skill performance needed for dog fights so they normally are assigned to transport squadrons or desk jobs until retirement, etc. Is there iny truth to this.
C.W. Reed
chalet: Don't know if there is such a rule. Back in the '80's, a Brig. General flew an A-10 from Davis Monthan to KPRC to show to us AFROTC guys once! Hoosier cheers!!
Can anyone explain the camo paint scheme on this one? MOST interesting!
C.W. Reed
This aircraft is part of an "aggressor" squadron. The "livery" is similar to what our fighters would encounter during "ACM", air combat maneuvers. A lot of "Top Gun" missions are flown around NAS Fallon. I'm sure Gary S can confirm. Cheers!!
Gene Pardee
Chalet - "senior officers above colonel level and equivalent at all services never fly fighter jets" I don't know about such a rule. Take for example Col. Robin Olds and Operation Bolo a few years back. Another would be BGen Frank J. Collins who flew F-4's until his retirement.
David Seider
@Gary Schenauer:
Continuing on in the direction that Mr. Tom Vance was going... It is my somewhat informed understanding that callsigns, such as "Undra" in this case, are bestowed upon a person relatively early in their flying career. From that time on it is so much an integral part of you that it might as well be entered in your service record. Your callsign will follow you more faithfully than a lost puppy.
"Undra" is RADM Cheever's call sign, and I'm sure that he wears it with pride.
A couple of memorable callsigns that I recall from my NAVAIR days were "Soup" Campbell and "Fudge" Packer.
Yeah. Really and truly. Snapped photos of them as proof!
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