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Boeing 747-400 (G-BYGC)
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Boeing 747-400 (G-BYGC)



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Great shot
Onward Lam
I particularly liked the juxtaposition of the largest passenger aircrafts from the two families. I like both of them. If only airlines will put in 3-3-3 or even 2-2-2-2 economy seating and add two more toilets.... Zzzz (I am dreaming, I know).
Somehow just think the BOAC livery is far more distinctive than the current BA flag livery, IMHO
Ioan Popa
Superba silueta! Inspira forța și incredere!
I love the old BOAC livery! Its classy, simple, and makes the 747-400 look absolutely stunning. New BA livery? Ugh! Too flashy and obnoxious. I think the A-380 is an ugly, big, fat, tube with thyroid issues!
Dave Sheehy
Nick, absolutely fantastic catch and snap. Lots of us want to get a picture of this retro livery, but to catch it like this taking off over the new livery, with the perfect composition of the SFO tanks...stunning man! Very well done. 5*++++++ Salud!
Tom Vance
Well done Nick! I guess ben didn't get this shot? 5x5 10 stars!!
I wondered what the small aircraft behind was, then realized it is a 380! What a great photo - and amazing to catch two BA aircraft like this at a US airport. I have to disagree with the others though - I really prefer the current livery. It just seems more dynamic and is just as distinctive.
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