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Airbus A320neo (N307FR) - It was a hot time in Reno last night. This photo, taken just 25 hours ago, catches FFTs "Champ the Bronco" (N307FR) hurriedly trying to taxi from the runway 16R hold line all the way down to the other end in an attempt to make it to runway 34L and get out of town. The Frontier flight had just left the terminal and was almost at the north end of taxiway Alpha, next to go from 16R, when sudden high swirling winds descended from the Sierra Nevada and a vicious electrical storm exploded over the airport and the city. An inbound SW, less than a mile out, encountered a brutal wind sheer and the pilots immediately reported that the flight was diverting to SMF. This Frontier Bus, a Navy C-40, and a FDX heavy all shut down their engines on Alpha to wait out the storm. As they sat, lightning ignited the fire visible here and a second fire just beginning to spread at the right edge of this photo. About 35-40 minutes later, after a UA inbound made a rough arrival on 34L, the FFT pilots requested permission to restart, swap ends of the runway, and get gone for Denver. This pic was taken as they hustled from the hold of 16R to 34L where they made a successful getaway.
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Airbus A320neo (N307FR)


It was a hot time in Reno last night. This photo, taken just 25 hours ago, catches FFT's "Champ the Bronco" (N307FR) hurriedly trying to taxi from the runway 16R hold line all the way down to the other end in an attempt to make it to runway 34L and get out of town. The Frontier flight had just left the terminal and was almost at the north end of taxiway Alpha, next to go from 16R, when sudden high swirling winds descended from the Sierra Nevada and a vicious electrical storm exploded over the airport and the city. An inbound SW, less than a mile out, encountered a brutal wind sheer and the pilots immediately reported that the flight was diverting to SMF. This Frontier Bus, a Navy C-40, and a FDX heavy all shut down their engines on Alpha to wait out the storm. As they sat, lightning ignited the fire visible here and a second fire just beginning to spread at the right edge of this photo. About 35-40 minutes later, after a UA inbound made a rough arrival on 34L, the FFT pilots requested permission to restart, swap ends of the runway, and get gone for Denver. This pic was taken as they hustled from the hold of 16R to 34L where they made a successful getaway.


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Gary - that looks like a serious fire burning in the background... :-(
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
The two fires seen here were later named the "Kiowa" and "Hoge" fires. Lightning also ignited another wildfire near Reno Stead Airport (KRTS) during this same storm.
Gary - when such fires are given a name, that's a significant event! Your narrative is very descriptive... :-(
Grant Bush
Wow! Thats crazy! Hope everyone is safe!
Amazing! Great shot and story, Gary!
Great shot Gary. Good ol' Reno. I learned to fly here and encountered a nasty storm in 06 during my 2nd solo. Nearly pissed my pants but brought the old 182 down safely. I watched a lightning bolt hit the ground nearby during my approach in the rain. Whew!
ken kemper
Splendid Photo Gary.
scottie snyder
absolutely stunning
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Scottie S. >> Thank You VM for your Comment. (Wave)
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日付 機種 出発地 目的地 出発 到着 時間
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2025年01月 4日 A20NSouthwest Florida Intl ()フィラデルフィア国際空港 () 19時11分 EST 21時26分 EST キャンセルされました
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2025年01月 4日 A20NSouthwest Florida Intl ()Trenton Mercer () 09時18分 EST 11時31分 EST 2:13
2025年01月 4日 A20Nフィラデルフィア国際空港 ()Southwest Florida Intl () 05時47分 EST 08時11分 EST 2:24
2025年01月 3日 A20NSouthwest Florida Intl ()フィラデルフィア国際空港 () 17時14分 EST 19時32分 EST 2:18
2025年01月 3日 A20NTrenton Mercer ()Southwest Florida Intl () 12時42分 EST 15時16分 EST 2:34
2025年01月 3日 A20NSouthwest Florida Intl ()Trenton Mercer () 09時11分 EST 11時19分 EST 2:07
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2025年01月 2日 A20Nフィラデルフィア国際空港 ()ローリー・ダーラム国際空港 () 06時15分 EST 07時14分 EST 0:58
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