80 投票数 (4.94 平均) と 31,995 閲覧数  

Boeing 737-700 (N7877H) - This click illustrates why the month of September is the absolute greatest month for every northern Nevada area photographer who enjoys taking pictures of activity occurring in the sky. The dawn-hour Mass Ascension of hot air balloons during the annual Great Reno hot air balloon event, captured in this photo taken last year, heralds the start of two weeks of fantastic airborne activity in Reno and northern Nevada. And in two days, it all begins again. The 2019 Great Reno Balloon Race will be held next weekend, the 2019 Tailhook Convention will be held here again as it always is, and the National Championship Air Races will begin just two days after the hot air balloon event and the Tailhook Convention conclude. The balloon race means the sky will be full of hot air balloons, the Tailhook Convention means there will be US Navy aircraft at RNO, and the Air Races means military statics, military flybys, air show performances, and high speed air racing. And, this year, STOL drag racing too. Charge up those camera batteries, clean those lens, and have plenty of digital cards: September has arrived.
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Boeing 737-700 (N7877H)


This click illustrates why the month of September is the absolute greatest month for every northern Nevada area photographer who enjoys taking pictures of activity occurring in the sky. The dawn-hour Mass Ascension of hot air balloons during the annual Great Reno hot air balloon event, captured in this photo taken last year, heralds the start of two weeks of fantastic airborne activity in Reno and northern Nevada. And in two days, it all begins again. The 2019 Great Reno Balloon Race will be held next weekend, the 2019 Tailhook Convention will be held here again as it always is, and the National Championship Air Races will begin just two days after the hot air balloon event and the Tailhook Convention conclude. The balloon race means the sky will be full of hot air balloons, the Tailhook Convention means there will be US Navy aircraft at RNO, and the Air Races means military statics, military flybys, air show performances, and high speed air racing. And, this year, STOL drag racing too. Charge up those camera batteries, clean those lens, and have plenty of digital cards: September has arrived.


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Uwe Zinke
very nice Gary!!!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Uwe, what's up? Where have you been, my friend? Did you change your email addy? I sent messages, some with photos. Are you getting them? Don't forget, the email address I use for you and the other aviation contacts is not the OldeCarl address. It is the one that I use to share aviation pics with the aviation photogs who enjoy receiving each other's clicks. Perhaps those emails are getting deleted or are going direct to your trash bin? I'll send one in a few minutes; please watch for it, OK? (Wave)
Nice foto Gary! Didn't know Reno had a hot air balloon event.
Very cool!
Outstanding capture! It's cool to see that Reno has a ballon festival.
serge LOTH
I didn't know RENO has a Balloon Race (I knew about CHambley France, and Albuquerque) This is a very smart picture Gary (as usual)with a nice landscape. By the way nice looking Southwest 737/700 , I m sad for the US about the 737/800 ;Boeing is a great constructor.5*****
serge From Alsace France
Leon Kay
Thank you for a great photo and the informative information.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Uwe, I just saw your reply. Will write back. (Wave) Leland ... Hey, it's been a bit of time. How are you doing? The balloon event started yesterday and runs thru Sunday. In past years it was a three-day event but this year it started a day earlier. Totally free to attend. Always fun and the pics come out wonderfully. Joan and Leon ... Thank you very much. (Wave) Dwight .... Keep your super pics coming, my friend. Serge .... There are many opinions regarding the Max 8 mess. All I know is what I read and there are details I will never know, but I do know one thing for certain: many innocent people trusted the Boeing name and reputation and now they are deceased and their relatives are suffering their loss. I'm deeply sad for them. Regarding my picture, thank you again very much, Serge, for your nice compliment. (Big smile)
ken kemper
Super Gary.............

What a wonderful event !!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
TY, Ken. The balloon races are quite cool. But I'll tell ya, I still envy your proximity to such an extraordinary aviation event as Oshkosh. True, we have the NCAR here and I am ultra-grateful to be able to attend the races every year, but when I think about Oshkosh and all that I've never seen there, well, just color me green ..... (Both Thumbs Up)
Gavin Hughes
Okay Kermit, er Gary, think of us down here with, white fuselages and the odd gunmetal gray fuselage. Love your pic.
1998年のN7877Hに関する全資料を検索しますか? 今すぐ購入。1時間以内に入手できます。
日付 機種 出発地 目的地 出発 到着 時間
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2025年03月 7日 B737オーランド国際空港 ()ジェネラル・ミッチェル国際空港 () 07時06分 EST 08時46分 CST 2:39
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2025年03月 2日 B737フェニックス・スカイハーバー国際空港 ()オークランド国際空港 (カリフォルニア州) () 20時12分 MST 20時52分 PST 1:40
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2025年03月 2日 B737マッカラン国際空港 ()オンタリオ国際空港 () 15時35分 PST 16時14分 PST 0:38
2025年03月 2日 B737ローリー・ダーラム国際空港 ()マッカラン国際空港 () 12時20分 EST 14時11分 PST 4:51
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2025年03月 2日 B737メンフィス国際空港 ()ハーツフィールド・ジャクソン・アトランタ国際空港 () 07時17分 CST 09時09分 EST 0:51
2025年03月 1日 B737ダラス・ラブフィールド空港 ()メンフィス国際空港 () 19時27分 CST 20時28分 CST 1:00
2025年03月 1日 B737サンアントニオ国際空港 ()ダラス・ラブフィールド空港 () 17時30分 CST 18時22分 CST 0:51
2025年03月 1日 B737ルイ・アームストロング・ニューオーリンズ国際空港 ()サンアントニオ国際空港 () 15時15分 CST 16時34分 CST 1:19
2025年03月 1日 B737ハーツフィールド・ジャクソン・アトランタ国際空港 ()ルイ・アームストロング・ニューオーリンズ国際空港 () 14時13分 EST 14時23分 CST 1:09
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2025年03月 1日 B737ハーツフィールド・ジャクソン・アトランタ国際空港 ()Greenville/Spartanburg Intl () 10時55分 EST 11時25分 EST 0:30
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2025年02月28日 B737ジェネラル・ミッチェル国際空港 ()ランバート・セントルイス国際空港 () 18時07分 CST 19時06分 CST 0:58
2025年02月28日 B737デンバー国際空港 ()ジェネラル・ミッチェル国際空港 () 14時22分 MST 17時10分 CST 1:48
2025年02月28日 B737ボイシ空港 ()デンバー国際空港 () 11時31分 MST 12時57分 MST 1:26
2025年02月28日 B737マッカラン国際空港 ()ボイシ空港 () 08時14分 PST 10時37分 MST 1:22
2025年02月28日 B737カンザスシティ国際空港 ()マッカラン国際空港 () 06時20分 CST 06時51分 PST 2:31
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