cancer spread
Would be a much improved pic with a slower shutter speed to blur that 5-bladed prop.
Crystal clear focusing on plane....
Never would have known it has a 5 bladed prop
Crystal clear focusing on plane....
Never would have known it has a 5 bladed prop
Air Tractors always get a like from me. Nice shot. Nice plane.
Diana, It is a misconception that there are no pesticides used in organic farming. See:
Fascinating. The USDA allows a food to be labeled as organic even if "Some pesticides, as detailed in Subpart G §205.601, can be used as long as they do not contaminate crops, soil, or water. Among these are alcohols, chlorine materials, copper sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, ozone gas, peracetic acid, soap-based algicide/demossers, and sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate."
Fascinating. The USDA allows a food to be labeled as organic even if "Some pesticides, as detailed in Subpart G §205.601, can be used as long as they do not contaminate crops, soil, or water. Among these are alcohols, chlorine materials, copper sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, ozone gas, peracetic acid, soap-based algicide/demossers, and sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate."
Guys isn't this about aviation ?
I just found it For Sale on the web. The dude who stole it and is now trying to sell it removed all those dirt-on-the-lens spots, cropped it to remove all the w/marks and some of the excess sky, and generally fine-tuned it. It's a neat shot here, but I must say the For Sale version does look better.
Some photographers like to show off their talents by capturing the prop with a certain shutter speed but it would look better in photo to represent the plane as it would look normally (blurred prop).
Watering the plants
Vinny Barbin, all photographers like to show off their talents,whatever shutter speed they choose. I noticed you have no photographic contributions on FA that others can enjoy and/or criticize.
I've often wondered about these pilot's sense of closeness to the hard stuff. I've been low and fast in some military versions but they had lots of stuff to let you know moments prior to impact! How do these stalwarts manage? It's gotta be a thrill.
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