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Investigation Launched After British Man Sneaks Onto New York-Bound Flight Without Passport or Ticket
On December 23, Craig Sturt reached Britain's busiest airport, London Heathrow, with no passport or confirmed ticket. The 46-year-old jobless man bypassed the check-in desks and headed straight for the security gates in Heathrow's Terminal 5. Sturt then turned up at the gate for a British Airways flight bound for New York-JFK. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Alternative link so that you are not bombarded with ads:
Thanks, this should just be standard practice for ANY aeroexplorer squawk!
And then if we could just get FlightAware to make our commented links clickable.... <sigh>
And then if we could just get FlightAware to make our commented links clickable.... <sigh>
They are lacking in many other areas also. You cannot edit a response you make and you cannot delete a response. (as far as I know) If you have a way please post it here.
Nope. You should always proofread anything before you post anywhere. Along with that - you should also make sure you always say what you mean and mean what you say. Stand behind your words. Too many Keyboard Komandos like to post something inflammatory and then go back after to edit or delete to then make all the respondents look like dolts. Screw that.
Heathrow airport claims that its security is one of the best in the world.
This is a very serious security breach that had occurred.
BA Airline “ has no A or B “ scores in this case .
How can one go through customer service, checking desks , multiple securities , board an Aircraft and over pass Flight Attendants checks and seatings ?
It’s been said that this individual is “ insane “ well, I’m sure who’s more sound and sane in this case is it him or the Airport Security?
Hopefully, United States CBP had interviewed him thoroughly prior deportation.
This is a very serious security breach that had occurred.
BA Airline “ has no A or B “ scores in this case .
How can one go through customer service, checking desks , multiple securities , board an Aircraft and over pass Flight Attendants checks and seatings ?
It’s been said that this individual is “ insane “ well, I’m sure who’s more sound and sane in this case is it him or the Airport Security?
Hopefully, United States CBP had interviewed him thoroughly prior deportation.
About 12 years ago, I was standing by a boarding gate ( a door leading to the Aircraft) before my flight going to Canada .
At times I make announcements helping the customer Service.
I have noticed , A passenger presented “a copy of American Passport “ this Airline customer service checked him in and Allowed him to check 2 bags on this international flight.
I immediately asked the CS Agent not to issue a boarding pass.
Eventually, my question was: where is your passport?
He stated that he was “ an American citizen “
I told him I don’t care what the Nationality was.
I need to see a valid and signed passport in order to allow you to board.
The passenger was arguing that he should get a boarding pass.
I ordered the CS Agent not to do so. I called Operations and demanded that Ramp Agents off load the two checked bags .
It was raining very hard . The ramp Manager was very upset and mad at me . He stated that we will get a delay .
My response was : This is my flight , “ this passenger “ will not get on this flight .
I called operations and advised them , we will not push back until the issue is rectified.
Customer service and the shift Management showed up and told me to just let go . I objected immediately.
The “ shift Manager “ told me who’s the boss?
I responded by saying: maybe you’re the boss at the gate
I’m the boss on the Aircraft.
Meanwhile, the Ramp off loaded the two bags .
The “ passenger in question left “ only to come back 10 minutes later: and said : “ I’m a homeland security officer “
Congratulations you have passed the test .
“ a true story “
No one can travel without a signed and valid passport, including babies .
At times I make announcements helping the customer Service.
I have noticed , A passenger presented “a copy of American Passport “ this Airline customer service checked him in and Allowed him to check 2 bags on this international flight.
I immediately asked the CS Agent not to issue a boarding pass.
Eventually, my question was: where is your passport?
He stated that he was “ an American citizen “
I told him I don’t care what the Nationality was.
I need to see a valid and signed passport in order to allow you to board.
The passenger was arguing that he should get a boarding pass.
I ordered the CS Agent not to do so. I called Operations and demanded that Ramp Agents off load the two checked bags .
It was raining very hard . The ramp Manager was very upset and mad at me . He stated that we will get a delay .
My response was : This is my flight , “ this passenger “ will not get on this flight .
I called operations and advised them , we will not push back until the issue is rectified.
Customer service and the shift Management showed up and told me to just let go . I objected immediately.
The “ shift Manager “ told me who’s the boss?
I responded by saying: maybe you’re the boss at the gate
I’m the boss on the Aircraft.
Meanwhile, the Ramp off loaded the two bags .
The “ passenger in question left “ only to come back 10 minutes later: and said : “ I’m a homeland security officer “
Congratulations you have passed the test .
“ a true story “
No one can travel without a signed and valid passport, including babies .