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YouTuber who staged California plane crash gets 6 months in prison for obstructing investigation
Finally ... about time we saw something like this... ( More...There's a large community out there which adores and thrives on the nonsense produced my people like this. As long as there is a viable market, there will be entrepreneurs who are willing to go to these lengths to accommodate that market. The negative (and rightly so) comments on this page represent the disapprobation of aviation afficionados, who understandably disdain the theatrical commercial conduct of such as Jacob, but as long as the community at large gets its titillation from the like of Jacob's production, there will be people who emulate him.
Would agree with you. A very different (some would say "twisted") sense of social values has developed due to easy access to such stunts by the curious and lonely. The most alarming thing however is that recent technology-fueled generations (pick a letter X,Y,Z) appear to have lost the perspective of what is simply right and wrong and have an undeserving sense of entitlement. What this bozo did was wrong and 6 months does not send a message to other/future bozos. Parents? "Teach your children well" (Graham Nash)
And is why I stated that people are getting dumber and dumber. While a good tool for those who can use the tools available on them, smartphones has taken some people backwards.
have you seen WhistlinDiesel? (could have spelled that wrong, who knows). Destroys a $500k Ferrari for YouTube (and makes a profit). I guess no different than me wasting eggs on my neighbors home - just a different dollar figure.
It is where "entertainment" and reality TV combine in a "perfect" mix. We go to movies with things crashing, blowing up, etc., all the time. Now, it's mostly CGI. So, if you are a "media influencer," you are like any other movie maker trying to tell a story. Influencers, as of now, are, in general, fully non-regulated. Stupid stuff like this will lead to calls for regulations, which will also be ridiculous and impact many people. But we will "all" be happy as long as we are entertained.