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Airbus Investigates Continued Uncommanded Altitude Deviations on A350 Despite Control Unit Update
Airbus is currently probing recurring instances of uncommanded altitude changes on its A350 twinjets, even after implementing modifications following a similar issue two years ago. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
You always have problems when you update software in systems, no matter what aircraft but Airbus knows better than to have this happen.
"I've discovered the fundamental difference between hardware and software: hardware can only have a finite number of bugs in it." --John Seamons
Always wondered why the passenger flight experience on the Airbus A350 felt a bit like an amusement park roller coaster ride. ;-)
At least they can tell the tale, unlike Lion Aur passengers in a B737MAX...
So far, have found the A350 to be only second in flying smoothness, behind the wonderful A380.
So far, have found the A350 to be only second in flying smoothness, behind the wonderful A380.
It was a joke. The wink was a hint.
And it was appreciated! Happy Saturday.