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More A-10s to get new wings, as Air Force officially launches ATTACK
The US Air Force has finally issued an official request for proposals for a program to manufacture new wings for its aging A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft. The deadline for proposals from would-be contractors is August 23. But the program will likely not be started before some of the Air Force's older A-10s have to be grounded, as a previous wing-replacement program (awarded to Boeing) has reached its end. The program, called the A-10 Thunderbolt Advanced Continuation Kit (abbreviated as… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Fantastic news.. many people happy to see her alive.. go ugly wart hog go.. we love you
Amen to that..nothing like needing ground support and seeing 1 of those beautifully ugly brutes come flying out of the clouds..many an enemy, if not wounded physically, was wounded of pride with soiled undies after seeing the A-10 after them.
As a recipient of intense ground warfighting, I will always swear by the A-10 when they came on station. This old Marine thanks my fellow Vets from the Air Force and the 10 for saving our butts.
Lt. Colonel R. Orgill, USMC, Retired
Lt. Colonel R. Orgill, USMC, Retired
Thank You for your service!
The Wart Hog does an excellent job of what it was designed to do. You don't need all the fancy electronics to spray the enemy with big bullets and drop bombs. Let the pilots point and fire.
I love that plane... Glad to see she is getting some new life...