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British Airways 2276 Tower Audio
Tower audio from the engine fire earlier today. The jet was evacuated. Two people were injured. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Just a routine emergency. Outstanding Job. Enjoy the extra overnight in Vegas chaps.
Oh, you know. Just a massive jet engine bursting into flames right below several thousand pounds of fuel. No biggie.
It better not be if you're a professional pilot. Rejected takeoffs, for numerous reasons, are one the most trained emergencies. Including evacuations. Nothing short of perfect is considered acceptable performance. This is why we expect to be well paid.
Emergencies are not. Routine.
However, in this case, it was handled as if it was routine.
Yes, it was handled as if it were routine, the sign of a pro. However, things well executed, i.e. things requiring technical training, rehearsal, and proficiency........pilot, flight attendant, a virtuoso on the piano, a top level golfer, etc., appear routine and easy to do to the casual observer. The responsibilities and consequences, however, are orders of magnitude different among the groups.