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World's largest twin-engine jetliner closer to real
Big rumblings are going on at America's airplane capital -- the Boeing Co. aircraft factory north of Seattle. Engineers are moving forward with building the world's biggest twin-engine jetliner. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
At that, your attitude toward the Breathless News Network genre is more positive than mine. Breaking News 7x24x366, even when there isn't any.
Don't the auto makers do the same thing year after year after year? They try to improve on the vehicle with new do-dads. Boeing is doing the same thing. Airbus is doing the same thing.
And I do agree CNN is trash news most of the time. But every once in awhile they get something right.
And I do agree CNN is trash news most of the time. But every once in awhile they get something right.
commie news network
I stopped watching CNN years ago. It became more and more talk and show about less and less, and their 24/7/365 wall-to-wall blanket non-stop coverage with idiot so-called "experts" every time there is some unusual incident gives the definite impression the rest of the world has come to a screeching halt. FOX News is a no-brainer (literally), and unfortunately the BBC is going the same sad witless way.
When was the last time?
Last time was today. They said Hillary was losing to Sanders in NH.
At least Berbie has admitted he is a Socialist, BroomHillary is still hiding in the closet.
CNN try's to make it sound like this airplane was just invented yesterday. In my book that makes for BAD news reporting making up a story where no real story exists.
This sort of money collecting reporting is only done so as to sell MORE papers or get MORE advertising revenue for CNN.
All these lame brain so-called news organizations ought to have to do some "naughty time" in the corner for so childishly trying to make up news where there isn't any.