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(HD Video) UTair Aviation 767-300 Go Around at Barcelona Airport
An UTair Boeing 767-300 (VQ-BSX) incoming from Moscow as UT5187 and Aerolíneas Argentinas Airbus A340-300 (LV-FPV) were involved into what could be the bigger disaster of Barcelona Airport. The Utair 767 was about to land on Runway 02 while the Argentinas was crossing the runway. By the time Russian pilots sights Argentinas (they were taxiing to Holding point of RW25R for take-off) on runway while they were on final approach, they do their best making an impressive and close go around. After… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I can't believe I'm saying this, but for once, congratulations to CNN for not going beserk and billing this at "Terror in the Skies", etc.. I watched the video via CNN, and their aviation correspondent took pains to point out the perspective and that the aircraft appeared closer than they were.
My mom always told me to look both ways before crossing the street. Maybe a quick glance would've helped in this case?
Sorry, but as pilots when we CAN see a situation ahead, we react. In this case, it was "severe clear" and yes the other jet went around....... "TOGA....Flaps 20....Positive rate, gear up, check altitude"...THAT for a B-767, just a few of the call-out. in a go-around.
Good catch for the UT pilot. Those callouts are the most important, especially that 1st one. That pulls everybody's head back in the game cause you know crap is fixin' to happen fast. I don't guess it's quite so bad when, for whatever reason, you just wind up with a trashy approach and give it up and go around to try it again. It's a little more anxious when you get closer down and it get's throwed at you like that. I was just before a good unbothered, picture perfect flare several years ago at KSAT and a little 150 just dawdled out there on the runway like he owned the place. Talking to several later that were at the FBO and they said they didn't know a 757's engines would smoke like that. I don't know about the smoke but those RB 211's spooled fast. LOL. As far as the 150, student, got mixed up, thought he was on the taxiway. As I was going around, tower just cleared him off and got him the heck out of the way.
As I said below, you'd have thought he would have.
I'm afraid I'd be wanting to do more than fill out a report if that happened to me. Good heads up by UT pilot on the goround