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Small plane makes emergency landing on Chicago expressway
(Reuters) - A pilot of a small plane was forced to make an emergency landing early on Sunday on a busy Chicago expressway that skirts Lake Michigan after waiting for a gap in the traffic, authorities said. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Boy, if Meigs Field had still been there this would not even be a story. Thanks a bunch richie daley!!!
How do you know he could have made it?
THAT was my first thought too. Flew in and out of there a lot (as pax) - and last time I was in Chi-town, looked for the remains... Sad.
Strange! I was born and raised in Chicago and only used Meigs occasionally, because they only had local taxi service to Central Illinois and downtown Detroit. This service generally ended in the 1980's. From your picture, you do not look old enough to have flown out of Meigs before commercial flights ceased. By the way, Meigs is still just east of Soldiers Field. See,0,11802136834584609436&ei=SC1GUr2vM4vG9gSqvoC4Cw&ved=0CMABEPwS
As of March, 2013 the site that once was Meigs Field is still a vast wasteland. The link you've provided is to Soldier Field. Here's a link to the March 31, 2013 article in The Chicago Tribune:
Thank you Donna. I used MapQuest for Soldiers Field and expanded the view to include Meigs. Apparently it did not change the URL. I too regret that it was closed and has not been developed into a park sooner. If you want a little more about the history, see and
Gene, you flatterer you! I'm older than I look. But I never flew commercial in or out of Meigs - corporate MU-2, tailed N34DD at the time. If someone higher up the food chain had the Mitsubishi, then a pilot would take me, or come get me, in whatever was available out of COU, where our company was based. I remember some good Piper Lance flights. Including one night where we circled back over Michigan Avenue, lit for Christmas - which also was the same night for the Geminid meteor shower that year - unforgettable flight experience.