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Look at All These SR-71 Blackbirds Together!
It's gorgeous. Pure airplane porn. A perfect occasion to re-read these excerpts from Sled Driver, the amazing book by one of the SR-71 pilots, Major Brian Shul: ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Ok, I'll bite. I was in the SR-71 program from 83-89, and yes, it was the highlight of my military flying career. Not only was the plane so incredible in its design and performance, but the people who maintained it, supported it, and in-flight refueled it made up the best team of professionals, both military and civilian, that I have ever had the privilege of being associated with. It was alwaays a thrill. As I watched the MIGs try to catch us time after time, only to fall back as we blew by them, I recall the overwhelming pride in the Blackbird, then and now, its 25+ year's service to our country, with never a single one lost to enemy fire. What a plane! Bill Orcutt, Col, USAF Retired
Bill: thank you for your response and congratulations on your career. Yes, it may have been the highlight of your career but as you can tell, the rest of us are green with envy and still
I did my 3 leg solo cross country in 1968 from SJC to Marysville (Near Beale) and then on to Sonoma and back to SJC. As I was nearing Marysville a 71 took off from Beale and disappeared in about 15 seconds on what looked to be a ballistic trajectory. WOW.
2nd leg took me over Sacramento "Municipal" a 747 doing touch and goes directly underneath me.
Pretty nice day for flying that day.
2nd leg took me over Sacramento "Municipal" a 747 doing touch and goes directly underneath me.
Pretty nice day for flying that day.
I was in a plane doing unplanned T&G's at Edwards one day. Well T&B's. It seems there was this astronaut trainer that was doing the steep descent shuttle landing practices also in the pattern. Before we could get gear on the ground he was right behind us again and tower was saying break left again. Dang that bird was fast.
WOW. Great photo, compelling story. Ready to buy to book! Thanks
that book is incredibly expensive!!! out of print 2 years ago
The stories I have listened to from those who worked near or on the Blackbird spoke with a high degree of reverence for it. It wasn't until I got to see the real deal up close at the USAF Museum and the B model at AZO that I had a much fonder appreciation for it, and the technological innovations that came as a result of its creation. We were certainly blessed to have geniuses like Kelly Johnson and his successor Ben Rich, on our side!