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Video: Brazilian Fighter Jets Shatter Windows During Supersonic Low Pass
Two Brazilian Air Force Mirage 2000s pulled a supersonic low pass over the country's capital that shattered the windows of the Supreme Court. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I wonder how the mythbusters guys reacted after this episode...They had to try several times to break a window. They should have asked the Brazilian air force instead...
MYTHBUSTED....just like those windows
Mythbusters kept the plane in a "safe" elevation and speed as well. I'd say it'll happen if the pilot is a little more reckless, as we can see.
I REMEMBER F-86'S BRAKING THE SOUND BARRIER YEARS AGO. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. SHOULD HAPPEN MORE OFTEN HERE. better than motorcycles racing in the streets or tires squealing.
Hi Guys!
I was there when those Mirages passed very low over the STF Building (Brazilian Supreme Court).
I took a picture of the Mirage after that low pass, when it turned left a few meters after the STF. See it on the link bellow:
I was there when those Mirages passed very low over the STF Building (Brazilian Supreme Court).
I took a picture of the Mirage after that low pass, when it turned left a few meters after the STF. See it on the link bellow:
Great picture Marcio!
Thanks Jerome ;-)