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Report Suggests B-21 Bomber, Boeing 737, as New Air Force One
Back in December, Donald Trump caused a rucks when he tweeted that the costs for replacing Air Force One jets were "out of control." Now that Trump is in office, Defense Secretary James Mattis has ordered a full review of the $3.2 billion project to find ways to cut back costs. The aviation industry at large has taken notice. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Whoever wrote this 'article' is totally disconnected from reality or got some satire through the cracks. If the former, most likely not a bean counter but instead even further a "BB Stacker". An "Air Force One" demands 4 engines for obvious safety/security reasons regardless of ETOPS being safe for everyone else. There's also equipment/defense capabilities/other secret squirrel stuff/etc. that makes a 737 a joke to even consider. The 747-8 has the best 4 engine economics and tech available these days as well.
you people know that the 747-8 or maybe even the 787 will be the next AF1 COME ON MANNNN
I hope so. They should make it the 747. A 737 is just too small.
Mike: I've heard the 777-200LR bantered about a bit more than the 787, mostly because the aircraft is a bit larger (440 max v. 406 max, and yes, I know it will never be nearly as full), a more proven platform (2006 v. 2011, and no fleet-wide grounding), and about 1000 NM better range. As others have noted, such a change (either the 777 or 787) would require a change to the four engine requirement, but that's more likely than a change to the 737 platform.
Doesn't matter what the aircraft is. If the president is on board, even if it is a Cessna 172, then it is Air Force One. AF1 is a CALL SIGN, not a type of aircraft.
Even if it's an Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard aircraft? ;)
Nicely done, sir. I missed that one.
Army One
Navy One
Marine One
Coast Guard One
as appropriate
Army One
Navy One
Marine One
Coast Guard One
as appropriate
Did you see this ;) at the end of my post? I'm aware of that and have actually laid hands on a VH-60N and remember the S-3B Navy One landing aboard USS Lincoln (CVN-72).