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A boy with autism wouldn't sit still on a United Airlines flight. So crew and passengers stepped in to help.
(CNN) - Braysen is a 4-year-old autistic boy who usually loves to fly. But he had a meltdown on a United Airlines flight from San Diego to Houston. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Not a easy situation for the crew
Cudos to the flight crew and passengers for helping the kid out. This could have entirely gone the other way, and has previously, when an autistic child had a meltdown. One cannot predict when they will have one, or why, but showing some compassion when such happens helps the parents more than one could ever know. The question now is, has United learned something finally?
Nice to hear a warm hearted story about United. Kindness is contagious. Because the flight crew acted professionally, the passengers followed, and joined forces to help the boy. As a UAL frequent flyer, kudos to them. I should hope the example they provided inspires others.
That's how every flight crew should behave. Congratulations to everyone involved !!
It goes to show you that the good and real loving of all humanity is still present, no matter what class seating you have.
There but for the Grace of God go I.
There but for the Grace of God go I.
i have a autistic (only child) son 9 yrs old now . i travel lots of palaces around the world with him and my wife
i can clearly say only two times i got a complain about his no calm behavior , both of them from USA , in Asia no one compliant all helping out to calm him ..
i can clearly say only two times i got a complain about his no calm behavior , both of them from USA , in Asia no one compliant all helping out to calm him ..