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TSA Intercepts Over 3,200 Firearms in First Half of 2023 at US Airports
The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) captured 3,251 firearms at airport security checkpoints within the first half of 2023, averaging 18 firearms a day, with over 92% of them being loaded. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Can we please stay on topic? First, I don’t own a gun but if I did I’d be damn sure aware of the rules before I boarded an aircraft. I flew after 9/11 through BWI and some idiot tried to get though security with a gun. Everyone was instructed to freeze where they were. The guns the police were carrying were serious and they’re a lot more formidable when they’re 10 feet in front of you. I have no problem with gun ownership, but if you are the responsible gun owner that you claim to be.. follow the rules. We all want to get there on time.
Herein is the disconnect: responsible gun owners and following rules. Consider the mindset of those who flaunt the latter. Would you trust such an individual to have the requisite objectivity to mingle in public - anywhere? And - their reported numbers (at TSA and otherwise) are growing. What has fueled this condition?
Back in about 1980, I flew from my Tucson home to my parent's Detroit area home. They did not want to get my 22 cal. Marlin rifle to move it to their next home. I had to take it or it would be trashed. I contacted the airline and gave me too many rules. I took that rifle apart and put it into a cardboard box. It never saw the passenger section. I put it together after I got back to Tucson.
I was surprised, but then, is I recall people still trying to lit a cig or vape on the planes... So I'm nolonger surprised
If 3200 guns were caught, how many knives and other possible weapon types were found…some of you can downplay TSA if you want…some of the dismissive attitudes are interesting to read until something really threatening happens. Plenty of news reports recently on pax deciding to act up during flights. E-landings and law enforcement intervening. Then there is the lingering quiet question…with so many being caught/found, what percentage are getting through…still? Not so much guns but the other potential threatening objects.
While I understand and agree with your point - another thing to consider is this: With however many guns (or other "threatening objects") - how many incidents involving any of those things have happened on any flights since 9/11?
Just one would be too many
A better question is how many were prevented? With the number of crazy passengers being kicked off of planes, I would guess quite a few.
How many had a weapon banned by TSA - most of the nuts are kicked off due to booze...readily available as every airport.