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Prison time for flight attendant attack

One of the first publically announced prison sentences for a person who attacked a flight attendant. This was in Federal Court, so she'll have to serve at least 85% of her time. ( More...

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patrick baker 51
this needs to be publically announced across all media segments so as to transmit clearly the costs in prison time, attorney fees and fines that result from the attack on the flight attendant. Also clear up the backlog of similar defendants and give them their day in court, followed by their months in federal prison, if convicted. Sooner or later this nonsense will slow down, perhaps cease. we got plenty of courtrooms, judges, federal prosecutors, and plents of idiots who act out on airline flights with violence. Line em up.......
Jim Allen 12
Agreed. The only way this shit will stop is If it makes as much news as the initial incident. I do think 15 months was a bit short though, it can get spun as “a little over a year” when I think 28 months would have been more appropriate (she’ll do 24). However, she does have the felony tag.
Brian Chandler 10
Would not matter. You think it serves as a deterrent for future actions but the reality is the people who are doing these things are so unhinged from reality and are not rationally thinking about the consequences of their actions.

Dale Ballok 6
So, just let these idiots misbehave without any repercussions? They publicize the incident, so his sentence needs to be also.
M Fossum 2
Publicizing events like this often inspires other crazy people to do the same thing so they get their time in the spotlight. There is no easy solution.
Dale Ballok 1
Same with mass shootings. Some say they will slow down or stop if not publicized. Another many facetted problem.
Yes, you are 100% RIGHT, but Would it not be nice if we see those Boeing executives end up in jail as well
Rick VanSice 2
Maybe so, sir...however, even Pavlov was able to train dogs after REPITITION was used (along with treats, but...). After repeating the same kid of sentence and fines, even these morons should be able to get the picture and find some other way and some other place to vent. Or...equip flight attendants with Tasers. A few drive-stuns here and there will certainly get their attention!!
T Bohn 0
Actually no, most are just arrogant pricks with an entitled attitude, who think that their elite status on whichever airline entitles them to act as they please. When the F/A discontinues their alcohol intake, per federal law, is usually when the trouble starts.
21voyageur 2
Having an entitled attitude on a Southwest flight is a sure sign somebody just doesn't get it.
Attack anyone anywhere and you should go to prison, period@!
DonDengler 0
Should ? It ain’t happening!
DonDengler 0
If this were the case no crimes would not occur. A
Criminal is a criminal. There isn’t a one who fears these consequences you mentioned. I flew 35 years without incident of any kind. These behaviors began under the Joe administration and light on crime DAs. It’s a mad mad mad mad world these days
21voyageur 3
"Joe" just happens to be on the watch. Think things were better when the former guy set up and ran his monkey house? The reality is that the problem is societal in nature. IMHO, the pandemic and the economic outfall applied tremendous pressure to the "shining city upon a hill" and allowed its flaws to escape for all to see. The result is, unfortunately, being witnessed every day in the US of A as seen by inappropriate activities such as the one in question here and by far far worse events such as Uvalde, Buffalo etc. Hopefully, this sense of tribalism and fear will disappear as things return to some degree of balance.
RECOR10 -1
Mine is solved. I carry a gun, every day, in the clinic, out of the clinic, in the store, out of the store. Over 50% of the other medical providers and medical staff also carry every day, in every instance.

We never felt safe in Chicago at work. Not the same in FL. Now, if we arm a few more folks in least tazers or something, air travel will be a bit more comfortable.
DonDengler -2
When red regains control. M
DonDengler -1
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
This needs to be made the minimum consequence for assaults like this. These entitled idiots need to learn that they aren't special and the rules apply to everyone for a good reason.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Susan Yeatts 10
because the FA isn't the only victim. Every passenger on that plane was also at-risk due to the actions of this passenger. It's not the same as assault on land. There is also the issue of the federal law that requires passengers to obey flight crew instructions - and that law is a VERY important law.
Dale Ballok 5
Yes. Anyone attacking someone working in the public service sector, ie; FA, Police, Fire, nurses, servers, etc should be given a strict sentence, with little leeway.
Grow up its a safety matter
Larry Bassett 9
It is always a matter of personal safety, why is it more important than any other? What about the NYC daily assaults, or anywhere else for that matter? The entire world needs to treat those that commit criminal acts... LIKE CRIMINALS!
sverbil 9
It’s a safety-of-flight issue, that’s why. You’re in a metal tube, stuck with this person, and breaking the law in that instance is far more dangerous to the passengers that share the airplane with that person than the danger to someone on the ground outside witnessing an assault. Different crimes have different penalties for a reason.
Gregg Bender 4
Because it's a federal crime.
srobak 3
it's still an assault. period.
Gregg Bender 1
Not to the Feds it isn't.

David Rice 0
You once again prove you know nothing about aviation. Assaults like this one deserve punishment well beyond that afforded for a non-airborne assault. Leave the aviation angle to bigger brains than yours, fool.
I, for one never will agree that some people deserve more rights, or more protection via laws. The other day a guy in The Villages FL was charged with "Assaulting a person over 65" - they were both over 70 (and playing golf together). Stupid law.
You are correct, if it would happen in the street the end result should be the same. However due to the fact that you are in an enclosed environment where you can not run away it deserves extra attention.
srobak 0
"rules for thee but not for me" is the New Normal. We are watching it in action from all the politicos right now, too... all preparing to issue new rules that apply to you, but not them, just like the vax requirement.
21voyageur 0
Find another forum for those nieve ideas.
T Bohn 0
You need to understand that federal law requires passengers to comply with crew-member instructions. Failure to do so is a federal offense. Assaulting a flight crew member is federal offense. I’m not implying it is right , but assault or interference with a flight crew-member , under the law , is a more serious offense than simple assault.
Almost $26,000 in restitution, a $7500 fine, 15 months in prison plus 3 years probation; felony conviction! She also gets a lifetime ban on commercial flights. This should be a lesson for others who think they can get away with assaulting a flight attendant.
Peter Fuller 10
The squawked article says the sentence bans the convict from commercial flights during the 3 years probation, not lifetime. I suppose Southwest and other airlines could impose their own lifetime bans.
sparkie624 7
Not nearly enough... They should have come down on her with a Gold Ton of Bricks... 10 Years Federal Time Minimum with out a chance of Probation! Just for Starters. Set a real example.
21voyageur 12
A point of context if I may. The country in the world with the highest incarceration rate overall as well as per 100,00 population is, , , BY FAR , , , the USA. Not China, Russia, India, Thailand, North Korea, Iran, or any other 3rd-world despot-led countries. Yes, actions such as this require an appropriate outcome but there is a larger, more fundamental issue at play in the USA and it is societal and cultural in nature. Just my opinion.
Mark Kortum 4
Yours is the only comment I have read that even tries to address the real root cause. Thanks.
Well duh. The US is a more violent country than pleasant places like Norway and Switzerland. But in reality, the US isn't even in the top 10 countries for murder, rape, and armed robbery rates. There's your context.

Anyway, it's not like France or Sweden just let violent criminals go free. We have more violent crime here, so yeah, we have a higher incarceration rate than they have. So what?
T Bohn 1
You are absolutely correct, and much stiffer sentences, say 5 years in federal prison for this one would go a long way toward correcting the lack of individual accountability in the U.S.. The countries you mentioned above have — much— stiffer consequences for miscreants.
If a public caning upon conviction for tagging, was the penalty in the U. s. then we would have much cleaner public areas. Consequences for one’s actions needs to be the thought that first comes to mind when these imbeciles think of acting out.
Susan Yeatts 1
Definitely a more fundamental cultural problem going on - but not one that enough folks seem to care one bit to address.
Jim Allen 2
I don’t know.. “If you want to send a message, use Western Union”. Better off with a reasonable mandatory minimum that some rich bastards lawyer can’t wiggle out of.
We as a nation tried that - it does not work.
srobak 2
we didn't try hard enough
Yet we have the highest prison population per capita by a massive margin....not the right site to go into that.
srobak 2
It clearly needs to be higher
21voyageur -3
Sure - why not throw in more guns while you are at it?
srobak 3
huh? you aren't making sense. more people committing crimes need to be incarcerated instead of being set free, and they need to be incarcerated longer. Not sure where your gun comment fits in to this statement - unless you want to make it all "escape from new york" style - which I would also be fully in support of.
David Rice 0
Of course you're in support of a “escape from new york” style aviation experience. You have proven through this and past comments that you are a fool, who thinks of no one but himself…live in your mom’s basement do you?
21voyageur 0
And that was my point. Suspected you were of that mindset. Thanks for confirming my hunch! Maybe you may want to consider spending a bit less time playing video games.
RECOR10 -1
That is why I moved to FL. Heck, just this week I was in the room when our Governor signed our budget and is KICKING ASS...we were in the room (few hundred of us) and many of us (including police) were armed. Oddly, we feel safe in FL knowing that many of our fellow citizens are armed and can and will protect us from criminals. Far cry from when I was in Chicago.
21voyageur 3
In that case, FL has passed the tipping point. When things get to the situation whereby herd mentality drives comfort and a sense of safety, , , stop, think, reflect. Sad.
cyberjet 1
The reality is that these things continue to happen, and it’s proof enough that the use of punishment such as jail and fines does not act as a deterrent. We could learn a valuable lesson from some indigenous communities who use a restorative justice model of dealing with criminal acts. The perpetrator is forced to face their actions and it’s victims directly and they’ve achieved a high degree of success in preventing repeat offences.
21voyageur 2
That, my friend, sounds wonderful on paper but would never see the light of day in such a litigious environment as found in the USA.
Susan Yeatts 2
such truth. It sounds good, we know it can work, but here in the US - no one would ever go for it. here we have no interest in rehabilitation. It's all about retribution, revenge, whatever. Period.
cyberjet 1
Sadly I must agree.
Oh, please.
21voyageur 1
ADXbear 9
Good, she should be on a no fly list after she does her time as well.
srobak 0
did you read the article?
sparkie624 14
15 Months... She needs 15 Years... She got off way too light.
jbermo 3
With a felony on her record, her life is destroyed. That's enough.
adainv 7
She destroyed it herself! Tough S**T!
Peter Fuller 1
The defendant pled guilty, admitting to the charges. This plea may have factored into the court’s decision to not impose the statutory maximum of 20 years plus a $250,000 fine.
T Bohn 1
The statutory minimum, regardless of plea , would have been huge in terms of future deterrence. Consistent and continuous sentences of this type would send a loud , clear message that this crap won’t be tolerated.
When I have disruptive passengers on my flights I make sure that the police board the aircraft and escort the culprit off first. It sends a clear message to the other 200 + passengers that this B.S. is not tolerated.
srobak 1
almost no crime short of murder gets the maximum right out of the gate.
Brian Freeman 4
Outstanding to see incarceration actually imposed, but let's not kid ourselves thinking she'll actually pay ANY of that $26k fine. She probably doesn't have 26 cents - except what the government gives her. Part of her probation should include cleaning out aircraft lavatories for about 1000 hours. Addition to the No Fly list should go without saying.
You are correct. This woman will never pay a dime. Matter of fact, she will be on some form of public assistance for the rest of her for society....right??????
Brian Freeman 1
RECOR - Are you intimating that she will be on public assistance as a result of her incarceration?? If so, I'd recommend caution conflating the two issues - much like your insinuations that we should stop incarcerating people. Some people simply do not belong in free society where they can prey upon others and prison is the only solution for removing them from society. Enough said.
Jay Trivedi 7
TSA should place this person and others like these (assault) on a permanent "NO FLY" list. Any other minor (non violent) passengers on a 3 years ban and $5K minimum fine to get this stupidity under control!
That would be a good idea if the TSA maintained a "No Fly" list, except they don't. That database is handled by the Terrorist Screening center, a subset of the FBI.
T Bohn 1
Having to take Greyhound for the rest of one’s days might give one pause. 😂😂
David Luddy 6
At least some documented form of punishment has occurred. Flight crew members should NEVER be challenged.
This is an example as to how fragile the security during a flight is. All passengers should remember the attempted
destruction of our Democracy took place on September 11, 2001. Enough said.

David Luddy
Commercial Pilot, retired
devmegsmum 3
Not sure "flight crew members should NEVER be challenged" is accurate. What about the pilot (or copilot) that shows up drunk? What about a situation where their personal animosity or bias (racism) is the cause of the issue. While we can hope most cases are real safety issues we are all aware of instances where this has not been the case.
RECOR10 -1
David Luddy is obviously an undereducated fool...certainly he never was in a position of authority of anything more than sitting at the pointy end of a tube (really, a vocation). Management requires people who are willing to challenge systems and question authority. FA's are owed more respect than the worthless tools at TSA, but, not much more. THey are not much more than my waitress at Applebees.
21voyageur 0
May I suggest that you (assumed a sir) are a shining example of those that have adopted and supported gender-based tribalism. My guess is that you do not have a daughter but I am certain you have a mother so if you can't show respect and support equality, best you stop your spew of small-minded noise. Even if you are just a sh*t disturber.
Looking at the larger picture, ALL assaults like this should be dealt with in like manner.
Just because it happened on an airplane should not make a difference.
Our country has prosecutors that fail to prosecute assaults that happen everyday.
Just because it happens on an airplane should make no difference.
If this assault happened on the streets of Chicago, the perpetrator would be back on the streets within hours.
21voyageur 2
Although I agree with you in principle, there is a difference in that the safety of all on the plane is at risk. A bit different than 2 yahoos having a fist fight in a bar or on a street in Chicago.
They safety of the entire plane at risk? With the pilots locked up in the cockpit, the entire cabin can go full WWF and the plane wouldn't crash. My point is as a society, the violence shown towards the cabin crew is no difference than violence on the streets. A bar fight is two equal participating individuals, an innocent person being mugged and beat up deserves just as much justice as the flight attendant.
Some foreign carriers fine passengers on the spot.
srobak 3
Meanwhile.... little mikey tyson can roid rage and beat the ever living snot out of another pax and get a red carpet rolled out of the cabin door for him upon landing. Hot on the heels of the oscars slap. Both highly witnessed acts of violent, offensive, aggressive assault - for mere words, both getting their asses kissed by everyone instead of being led away in cuffs and with charges heavily pressed as they should have been.

Our society is so screwed.
adainv 2
What is forgotten is that as soon as you step on to the aircraft, the Captain is totally in charge. He, or she, will totally back their flight crew as they should. The part of this story that I disagree with is that these people should be banned, for life, of ever flying on any commercial aircraft! The other problem is the sale of alcohol at airports. I have seen people who were highly inebriated board aircraft, but because they were not causing any issues, were allowed to board. This will never stop because these airports are making tons of money with the inflated prices that they charge!
Mark Kortum 1
Add to the airport alcohol the stuff served on the plane. Guy next to me last week had 4 of those mini bottles of scotch on a 1.5 hour flight. He was not voilent in any sense but sure was animated and talkative by the time we deplaned.
21voyageur 1
Considering that the effect of alcohol on the body is roughly 2X that of on the ground, I would bet he was very well inebriated during and after such a short flight. That said, there is a minority of pax who turn to alcohol to overcome a fear of flying - especially occasional/reluctant fliers. Does not make it right just is something to deal with during and after the flight.
srobak 1
... and?
DonDengler 2
She was jealous. Applied to become one of us and was declined probably more than once. So, took out her envy when she assumed “the customer is always right “ and got fooled ! The creep. i
I hope the FA is doing well now.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

cyberjet 7
Tell us you’re an arse without telling us you’re an arse.
T Bohn 1
Exactly the kind of Alpha Hotel most likely to come off the aircraft handcuffs! :))
21voyageur 1
Simpleton jerk. Hopefully you are just stirring the pot and if note, hopefully you are not of breeding age, hopefully you do not have a daughter or any child for that matter.
mimana 1
Randy Marco must be so small, he/she can fit in a matchbox.
DonDengler -1
A waitress? Next time you’re on my aircraft I will have you DB’d before you board.
srobak 1
Making threats against pax in public like this is a quick way to get your career path altered.
Edward Bardes 2
I think this is a perfect reason for commercial aircraft to be equipped with Aircraft Surveillance Recorders.

By having surveillance cameras looking across the passenger cabin, there would be plenty of solid evidence to secure criminal convictions if passengers become unruly enough to interfere with a flight.
There's already plenty of evidence. Depending on the aircraft there's 100-500 eye witness accounts and their cell phone recordings. There's no lack of evidence for these events and no need for video recording on planes.

Every person on the plane has a video recording device in their pockets. Complete waste of time and money to put them in
devmegsmum 1
There is but flight crew have the authority to tell you stop recording and can remove YOU if you do not comply. I think if everyone is acting officially (from the airline side) there should be no issues with people recording their actions. Plus the public humiliation and shame of the person not following the guidelines and acting out should be part of the punishment imo.
They're not going to remove someone for recording the scene of someone else being combative or commiting crimes on board.

Has never happened and will never happen.

You're literally inventing scenarios in an attempt to justify your shit idea.
rghinftl 1
The sentence was not nearly long enough or the fine large enough. Also should have been banned from flying for life, not just a few years. I would never want this lunatic on my flight regardless of the amount of “rehab”.
Jean Dubuque 1
"Publically" is not a word
Armchaircouch 1
Good! i’ve shared it on counter social and I’m going to put this on my Instagram as well. I hope that stewardess can heal.
David Tsai 1
"During that supervised release, Quinonez... will be banned from flying on commercial aircraft." Good.
It’s about time! Whatever happened to respect, consideration, patience and maybe a little selflessness?!
Access restricted to the full info for French people : understandable since in our country such a behaviour would never have been sentenced at all ! ;-)))
Dale Johnson 1
I'm happy I don't have to fly anywhere. Airline travel ain't like it used to be.
21voyageur 1
Bus at 32,000 feet. And everything that goes with that.
mimana 1
That is attempted murder. If the attacker would have had the chance, she could have ended the life of the flight attendant. I'm not sure how long the crazy person is going to stay in prison but I hope it is a good time long enough for her to appreciate freedom. I really hope she never gets to flight again on a commercial plane.
RECOR10 -1
I guess I can get charged for that every time I drive...
DonDengler 0
Flight Aware. Please monitor Randy Marco His comments are egregious every week. He writes people are retards and
Peter Fuller 3
We are the moderators. Just downvote comments as you see fit. In extreme cases, report comments as spam.
srobak 1
the FA administration does not monitor the squawk threads.
Randy Marco -3
Well you are stupid!
What a tiny slap on the wrist. This evil creature should be executed.
21voyageur 1
Hahaha. Back into your cave.
eric pearson 0
get over being upset and grow up
randy is correct more often than you, many people are stupid, just look at US politics
21voyageur 1
Stupid? As are those that vote for the stupid politicians.
Jack Poole 0
Future events need to increase in jail time and fines to state this type of behavior will not be allowed until events like this no longer exist as a daily occurance.
They don't exist as a "daily occurrence" or even near daily. When your entire point relies on misinformation you have no point.
Mark Kortum 1
DonDengler -9
Randy Marco makes angry comments on other social works An obvious leftist liberal. We don’t need him on this one.
DonDengler -1
He called flight attendants “waitresses”.
21voyageur 2
Agreed. Certainly not the signs of a leftist liberal in my book. More like a right wing yahoo from a previous generation.
DonDengler -1
Bah. Long ago already forgotten


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