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First time flying a plane? Smooth sailing
It's one thing to jump on a commercial airliner and fly from place to place. Hopping on a puddle jumper, as many folks call them, is an entirely different experience. But rather than just riding in one of these tiny planes, I opted to take a flight lesson and actually fly a plane for my first time at Tampa North Flight Center in Lutz. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
"tiny airplane" that has always bugged me!
been in a cessna 4 seater and a boeing 767 and i feel comfratable in either plane and besides there was 25 minutes where the pilot of the cessna let me fly the plane
would love to get a pilots license if i had the money
would love to get a pilots license if i had the money
Mark, you can do it. I got mine as a 24 year old college student going to school and working full time, its not a large chunk of cash all at once, rather spread out over a 6 month period, it's totally doable and it is am amazing accomplishment! go for it!
Toby is right, I got my PPL last year at 24.. it's doable. You can't peck away at it, though... you have to just DO IT!
Mark: they are both correct I started way back yonder in a C-182 with all the bells and whistle and got all my tickets. After flying a 707 and 757 all my life for a carrer, have stayed current in some regionals(CRJ's/EMB's) thanks to some good friends and last week went back for a check ride where I had retired from and got typed in a brand spankin' new 767-200ER, fresh out of the mod center. All that to say this. You got to crawl before you walk, but after that first step, you'll never want to crawl again. Once you start, don't quit. There ain't nothing like watching that ground fall away, and it is very different from the cockpit than riding as a passenger.
its been an awesome learning experience for me and for the many young people I take up just to introduce them to math,science and technology as something not just found in books and school.
"...since it's an instructor plane" HAHAHAHA....
As an A&P/IA who also has a PPL, I almost take offense to the "stapled together" comment, even though I can understand why some would feel that way. It's nice to see someone spreading the aviation cheer for once in a while!
As an A&P/IA who also has a PPL, I almost take offense to the "stapled together" comment, even though I can understand why some would feel that way. It's nice to see someone spreading the aviation cheer for once in a while!