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Is It Still Okay to Recline Your Seat?
Etiquette expert says now considered "rude" to recline any seat outside of First or Business class. But is it? The recline button is still intact in passenger jets...are we not supposed to use it? ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The art of reclining. I was on a flight from YYC to YXX some years ago and the teenage girl in the seat in front of me leaned back and asked if it would be ok if she reclined the seat. I will always remember that small act of courtesy. Of course, I said go ahead.
Canada eh…
I’m 6’6”, i’d always ask and respect response
I learned that comfort costs. I go first class now where not so much a problem
But I still ask…
I’m 6’6”, i’d always ask and respect response
I learned that comfort costs. I go first class now where not so much a problem
But I still ask…
It’s too bad everyone doesn’t use that same courtesy.
So Rick, what would be her next step if you said "No"? I am serious; I am booked for a very long flight, and I'd like to have courtesy, but what happens if the person says 'no' after I ask?
I asked her that, as we disembarked in Abbotsford. She said she wouldn't have. Based on her question and then her answer to my question, I know she didn't represent the typical attitude of the average passenger.
Do it anyway! I just went to Africa and back --do you know how many flights that is? It works to let the person behind know what to expect. Hey, we're all in this together.
15 hrs n-s ATL-JNB and someone tells me I can't recline?
Don't ask, just tell that you will recline now. Still polite but you can't be turned down.