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FAA suspends more sleeping controllers
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Aviation Administration is immediately adding a second controller at night at 26 airports and a radar facility after finding two more cases of controllers sleeping on duty . . . ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
If he's that outraged, he'll give these controllers a partner, and let them go back to work. Notice how nobody sleeps during the day, even at the slowest airports? Suspensions and firings aren't the solution!
Ok, I would like to see one thing happen though. There should at least be 5 ATC's in the tower at any giving time. No matter how slow the airport is. They can keep eachother awake
Hmmmmmm, add another controller so they can take turns sleeping. These people get paid very well to do their job. Is that asking too much?
Damian - 5, really? That may not be a wise use of taxpayer money. For night shifts, there may only be a handful of aircraft movements the entire shift, a number that perhaps only 1 person could handle themselves. But it's the fact of having someone else on hand for bathroom breaks or just to talk with that's wise. Why would they require any less in a control tower than in a cockpit?
There is absolutely NO excuse for falling asleep...whether its manning an LP, pulling meaningless guard duty at a barracks or performing ATC functions...NO effing the SOBs!
Michael: Why not just make a slow airport uncontrolled for that period of time. You'll notice that in all thiss mess only 27 controllers have been added. How many manned towers around the country? As far as your last statement about a requirement, aren't any turbine cocpits that I know of that are certified for 1 man operation, hence a 2 man requiremenr. Different story on the towers. People work shift work all over the country.