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Pilots Fell Asleep on Ethiopian Airlines Flight to Addis Ababa
It has been reported that the pilots onboard Ethiopian Airlines Flight 343 fell asleep whilst overflying Addis Ababa, its destination, at 37,000 feet. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
LOL... Like that has never happened before... Reminds me of Northwest Airlines a number of years ago when the pilots overflew their destination for 2 hours not responding to ATC all because they had their laptops out working discussing pay.
Not two hours. ATC got no response when they radioed the plane at 7:24 PM (CDT). The pilots overflew their destination (MSP) at 7:58 and at 8:14 finally contacted ATC and said they'd been distracted. NW188 on Oct 21, 2009.
Thanks for the correction...
Yep, that's the one I mentioned earlier.
Just like US pilots that have done the same thing then linbb.
Wasn't it Northwest pilots who overshot MSP because they were so wrapped up talking about new scheduling procedures?