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Watch a Fighter Jet Take Off From a Freeway
It isn’t unusual to hear about civilian aircraft landing on roads; it happened earlier this month in the Bronx, of all places. Less common are military landings on public roads, for which pilots in other countries still train. About a year ago in North Korea, Kim Jong Un, supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army, supposedly oversaw a training exercise in which pilots “used the motorway as an airfield.” ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Fast forward to 1m30sec
Charlie Padgett, this is not a Grippen, it is an F-18, mind you
i am aware. just making an observation.
Which of the two you like best, considering that the Swede costs 20-30% less dough
Would've like to seen it taxi into position, AND LAND! Otherwise, seemed more like a sales video or something. Not as interesting as I had hoped.
Not worth watching. Waste of time.