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Illinois State House OKs Slot Machines At Chicago Airports
A major gambling package won House approval today with provisions for a land-based casino in Chicago or a riverboat gambling palace on Lake Michigan, four more casinos around the state, and slot machines at racetracks and Chicago’s two airports. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Sam Giancana and Al Capone are cheering in their graves...
sick, sick, sick! what of the cost of social, financial, family ruin. sometimes the road of gold leads to social downward spiral. even paved with good intentions.
i take it you don't smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, al? same sin tax as "gamblin"
Oh come on, can take care of yourself, can't you? I know I can. Do we really need the government telling us what to eat, drink, when to shower, dictating if we can smoke or drink, gamble, do drugs, or visit cathouses? Come on...people who tend toward those things will find a way to do them anyway.
The got wnat they wanted: More of the Daley/Obama/Cullerton/Madigan machines
for the tourists $$ Welcome to Chicago boys!
Next up - making sausage !
for the tourists $$ Welcome to Chicago boys!
Next up - making sausage !
Obama pelosi Reid machine socialism Marxism communism blah blah blah, please.